Maybe In Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid: Book Review



From the acclaimed author of Forever, Interrupted and After I Docomes a breathtaking new novel about a young woman whose fate hinges on the choice she makes after bumping into an old flame; in alternating chapters, we see two possible scenarios unfold—with stunningly different results.

At the age of twenty-nine, Hannah Martin still has no idea what she wants to do with her life. She has lived in six different cities and held countless meaningless jobs since graduating college. On the heels of leaving yet another city, Hannah moves back to her hometown of Los Angeles and takes up residence in her best friend Gabby’s guestroom. Shortly after getting back to town, Hannah goes out to a bar one night with Gabby and meets up with her high school boyfriend, Ethan.

Just after midnight, Gabby asks Hannah if she’s ready to go. A moment later, Ethan offers to give her a ride later if she wants to stay. Hannah hesitates. What happens if she leaves with Gabby? What happens if she leaves with Ethan?

In concurrent storylines, Hannah lives out the effects of each decision. Quickly, these parallel universes develop into radically different stories with large-scale consequences for Hannah, as well as the people around her. As the two alternate realities run their course, Maybe in Another Life raises questions about fate and true love: Is anything meant to be? How much in our life is determined by chance? And perhaps, most compellingly: Is there such a thing as a soul mate?

Hannah believes there is. And, in both worlds, she believes she’s found him.

Publisher: Washington Square Press

Date Published: July 7, 2015

Date Read: June 2015

No. of pages: 342


This one deserves a thousand cinnamon rolls!!!

Good god!! This book spoke to me in volumes. I could not even begin to tell you how this book hit all the rights spots. Too on point. And it was eerie that I’ve read this book when I am experiencing the same thing as what the main character has been going through. I don’t know about you, but books somehow find me, rather than me finding them. It wasn’t my plan to read this book, I just stumbled upon it, read the very first page and took it from there. Before I know it I am highlighting almost everything inside this book. I don’t know what sorcery is happening but man, this book definitely feels like it is written for me. I know it sounded so weird, and too impossible but that is what I felt.

Do you have that feeling when you loved a book so much you just want it for yourself? You don’t want anyone else loving it as much as you do because it would kind of ruin it for you, and you feel like they wouldn’t appreciate it as much as you did because they didn’t go through or never went through what the main character had been through? Like for once you want to be selfish, but at the same time you want to shove it down everybody else’s throat for them to read it and love it too? That’s me in a nutshell. This is madness. I can’t make a coherent statement for the life of me. But let me spew out words after another because if I delay writing this I might forget what Im supposed to say and I will be perpetually sad to feel there’s something left unsaid, so bear with me on this.

Gahhh this book. This book is everything and more. It is not your typical contemporary love story, it is not your typical girl who has been confused as to where her life is leading her, this is everything and beyond it. I loved that it offered alternative stories. You are definitely getting more out of a 342 page book. You are given an option which one you like best, and I am super okay with that. It’s like a 2 in 1 book, how often do you get an alternate ending? I bet not all the time, so this one is really unique. I love both of the stories, but I love the one with Henry more than that with Ethan. It was more realistic so to speak. I loved how the author was able to convey both stories in a different light, the stories were written in alternate chapters, at first I thought I would be confused and will not be able to follow where the story is leading me, but it was surprisingly easy to read and I really appreciate how the author made it so.

It was thought-provoking at best, it will make you juxtapose your life with that of Hannah’s and see things and your life in a bigger perspective. It is perfect for every twenty-somethings who is quite confused to where their lives are taking them, I sure have taken a lesson from it or two. If multiverse is true, then I’ll take refuge to the fact that somewhere, somehow, my other self is living the life she truly wanted.

Great book!! I cannot wait to read other books by this author. I have found a new favorite book and new favorite author. Yay!


“I know there may be universes out there where I made different choices and they led me somewhere else, led me to someone else. And my heart breaks for every single version of me that didn’t end up with you.”
― Taylor Jenkins ReidMaybe in Another Life


Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk: Book Review


Synopsis: Every weekend, in basements and parking lots across the country, young men with good white-collar jobs and absent fathers take off their shoes and shirts and fight each other barehanded for as long as they have to. Then they go back to those jobs with blackened eyes and loosened teeth and the sense that they can handle anything. Fight Club is the invention of Tyler Durden, projectionist, waiter and dark, anarchic genius. And it’s only the beginning of his plans for revenge on a world where cancer support groups have the corner on human warmth.

Date Published: October 2, 1997

Publisher: Vintage Books

No. Of Pages: 214

Date Read: February 2016



Possibly one of the best books I have read in my 27 years living in this world. It was ridiculously so good, Chuck Palahniuk was a genius.

I am Joe’s overly excited self.

I am Joe’s eyes opened with such amazement.

I am Joe’s cart-wheeling endorphins.

I could not even begin to tell you how great this book is. I mean, if anyone asks about what will be that one book that I could recommend over and over, I wouldn’t say a thing but just proceed to shoving this book to that person’s face until it becomes a part of him. (because you know I abide by the rules of Fight Club. 1st rule is you do no talk about Fight Club). This is without a doubt included in my Top Favorite Books of All Time. It was a timeless piece, all encompassing, relevant and harrowing but in a masochistic kind of way because you would end up begging for more, even if it screws you up time and time again. You’re just like that proverbial moth attracted to the flame. There’s no way out of it, it will inhabit your soul and meld all these larger than life concepts you got from the book and live by it day in and day out. One does not simply finish this book without a part of them left unscathed. It was more like that sensation of getting a tattoo, that bzzzt bzzzt and the pain blending into this inexplicable euphoria, only you are aware about at that precise moment. Just like standing on a precipice, torn between backing out and taking that leap, but once you’ve made the step forward it is kind of liberating and scary all at the same time. Man, I could go on with a lot of metaphors and comparisons, but this book just brings out that side of me so naturally.

Chuck Palahniuk is a genius, hands down! I could worship the guy. He writes twisted and unconventional stories and make them believable and beautiful. What I loved about his writing style was it was so distinct. Clearly a cut above the rest! His characters are not the usual ones, he always thinks outside the box, always goes against the norm, always a step ahead. I have read Invisible Monster Remix and the non-remix version two years ago and right then and there I fell in love. Now I cannot forgive myself why I stalled for so long to start reading Fight Club. It felt like I missed out on a lot of things. What have I been doing all my life. That’s how great of an author Chuck Palahniuk is. He will make you question things and instill distorted beliefs that at the end of the day, you, without resistance whatsoever so willingly live by.

This book was just so clever and cunning at the same time, my goodness that twist. I haven’t watched the movie, so I don’t really know what I am in for. Best decision of my life to read it first before seeing the movie. Because that TWIST. THAT FREAKING TWIST! I flipped out, I didn’t know it could get even better than what I was getting. The element of surprise truly won me over. I didn’t see that one coming to be completely honest. And there’s complete bliss in not knowing. This book was so beautifully crafted and well written, it is definitely not one to miss. I reckon every reader should at least read a Chuck Palahniuk book. Include it on your Books To Read Before I Die List, you can thank me after.

I loved how the book didn’t do any sugarcoating. Everything was presented as it is. Take it or leave it kind of way. I loved how the book revolved around human frailty and the convoluted web of man’s wants and needs and what they believe in between what they actually are. The concept of Fight Club gave voice to the undervalued, to the ordinary ones, to the people who settled into something less than their true capacity. They were liberated into something they could claim as their own and take pride from it. I loved how it can be connected to society’s everyday struggle, seeing how the other half lives, how everything isn’t exactly painted in black and white. Chuck Palahniuk wrote a world where once in our mundane way of living crossed our minds. This book was the fruition of every wicked and disturbing concept we once thought of. Chuck Palahniuk, spoke for us, and I couldn’t be any happier that he did.

Rating: images.png 

“You are not special. You’re not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You’re the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We’re all part of the same compost heap. We’re all singing, all dancing crap of the world.” 
― Chuck PalahniukFight Club

Forbidden by Tabitha Suzama: Book Review


Synopsis: A shocking, heartbreaking story of taboo romance that’s as compelling as it is controversial.

Seventeen-year-old Lochan and sixteen-year-old Maya have always felt more like friends than siblings. Together they have stepped in for their alcoholic, wayward mother to take care of their three younger siblings. As de facto parents to the little ones, Lochan and Maya have had to grow up fast. And the stress of their lives—and the way they understand each other so completely—has also brought them closer than two siblings would ordinarily be. So close, in fact, that they have fallen in love. Their clandestine romance quickly blooms into deep, desperate love. They know their relationship is wrong and cannot possibly continue. And yet, they cannot stop what feels so incredibly right. As the novel careens toward an explosive and shocking finale, only one thing is certain: A love this devastating has no happy ending.

Date Published: June 26, 2012

Publisher: Simon Pulse

No. of Pages: 454

Date Read: February 2016

Source: Bought it at Fully Booked




I am a complete mess after reading it, I wouldn’t lie, I have never cried like this, not since Me Before You. It was the ugly, uncontrollable bordering hysteria kind of wailing. I kid you not, it was highly proportionate to the feeling of a break up. That was how this book ruined me and took the last modicum of resolve I have left for myself. I couldn’t function well, to be honest. It was so good it hurts oh so bad.

I understand that this book is not for everyone, much like every book there is. Some hated it, some loved it to a fault. I guess there is no one book that everyone loved. The taboo surrounding the book was enough to turn off a lot of readers. I do understand that this was not the conventional one, it may be seen as appalling, or disgusting, or sick, that probably loving the book may brand you as sick too. So consider me sick then, because I loved the book, a little too much, to be completely honest. I also do understand that this book was too controversial, too out of the box, just too much. But hey, I loved how the author was brave enough to write a story such as this, under the scrutiny of people who loved the norm all too much, in a society where you can easily be dismissed as someone who is unstable or too effed-up. I commend that the author did not aim for her books to be loved, but just to write books that will make you feel things and ponder on topics that are best talked behind closed doors through hushed tones. I wouldn’t want to live in a society where you are judged by what you enjoy reading, or what you thought was ‘appropriate’ in the normal course of things. I love books that are not mediocre, that are too preposterous it will make you question your own beliefs. To cut it short, I want books that challenge me as a reader. And this book did just that.

So on to this oh so controversial read, the book had this melancholic tone all through out. Like there was this heavy cloud hovering above threatening a devastating downpour. A feeling of unease that you just can’t simply shake off. But you would continue reading, why would you even stop, it hurts yes, but it was so well and beautifully written naturally pulling you into that vortex of unwelcome emotions and before you know it the book is attached to you like your own limb. I wouldn’t say I was totally fine with Lochan and Maya’s relationship, but it was what the book is about, it is what I have signed up for, I should not expect a different one right, this my friends is the key to enjoying a book. Keep your expectations to a minimum, and let the book surprise you.

There was this sense of sincerity, it doesn’t feel forced at all. I truly loved how everything was explained clearly, how every scene was necessary, how everything made more sense in the end. The foreshadowing was impeccable too. And the way you feel the characters as if they were all too real. How distinct they are from each other. And yes I really like the alternating point of views. I loved how mature Lochan and Maya’s characters are, how they are not those whiny protagonists we often read in YA books. They were different and unforgettable.

The only issue I had was why it was placed under the YA genre, it was too sensitive of a topic for young readers. Other than this, there was nothing that could make me hate the book. It was just brilliant as it was jarring. It was the kind of book that will stay with you for a very long time, more like forever.

And that ending, the book itself wrecked me, but with that ending, damn I was shattered into pieces. There was no moving on from this. I thought I had it all figured out, but Tabitha Suzama didn’t stop with the torture, she wanted the readers to die inside with that finale. I died, this is just my soul writing this review. Truly remarkable! One of a kind! I can go on and on about it for days and that wouldn’t be enough. Ahhhh. Now give me a happy book please, release me from this agony.

Rating: rating_5stars

Out of the millions and millions of people that inhabit this planet, he is one of the tiny few I can never have.

Tabitha Suzama; Forbidden

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes: Book Review


Synopsis: Lou Clark knows lots of things. She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home. She knows she likes working in The Buttered Bun tea shop and she knows she might not love her boyfriend Patrick.
What Lou doesn’t know is she’s about to lose her job or that knowing what’s coming is what keeps her sane.
Will Traynor knows his motorcycle accident took away his desire to live. He knows everything feels very small and rather joyless now and he knows exactly how he’s going to put a stop to that.
What Will doesn’t know is that Lou is about to burst into his world in a riot of colour. And neither of them knows they’re going to change the other for all time.

Publisher: Michael Joseph (UK)

Date Published: January 5, 2012

Date read: January 8, 2016

No. of Pages: 481

Source: Bought it from Taiwan



 Haunting and scarring, yet you wouldn’t have it any other way.

Me Before You is one of the few books that will haunt you for a long time, or maybe forever. It is more like a slow burn, that will leave an ugly scar, but you will succumb, yes without an iota of hesitation. It is one of those books that you already know that there is something so tragic that will happen, but you like pain and sadness so you will go ahead and put on your bravest heart, and even then, even when you thought you are ready for the blow of the inevitable, you will still be left by no means unscathed. All your mental and emotional preparations proved futile, because there is nothing to prepare you for what will unfold.

I bawled like I have never bawled before. I think a big chunk of my heart will always feel that pain. It was sad, but the beautiful kind of sad, if that ever made sense. I started reading it expecting it to be just the ordinary book with sad ending, but then it was definitely a lot more than that. I was able to get a lot out of this book. I mentioned something on my blog about not finding a book that have “changed my life” yet, but after reading Me Before You, this may very well be the book that changed my life.

It was my first Jojo Moyes read, and it will definitely not be the last. I was reminded of Jessica Thompson’s writing when I was reading Me Before You another reason to love Jojo Moyes more. I also noticed that I love books set in England/London, there’s just something more engaging when it is set there.

Louisa Clark’s character resembles that of a lot of women out there, she’s like the amalgamation of every normal girl. I loved how the book painted her in such a way that makes her very relatable. In such a way that she’s very realistic, it is safe to say there is a Louisa Clark in every one of us. Determined and driven.

Will Traynor is a character that you will have to spare a few more moments to understand. His character sometimes made it hard for me to grasp what  he wanted to do with his life. I struggled to see things in his perspective, but this by no means affected the beauty of the book. Will’s character made the book deeper, made the whole book with so much sense and wisdom. His character though flawed was just what the book needed.

As the story progresses you will notice how the characters made an impact to each other, how they changed each other’s perspective. I love that in a book, when you get to feel the transformation of the characters and how their relationship developed, it is like you are actually with them and they are all real.

I truly commend how the book will rip your heart out, crush it beyond recognition, then try to put it back together, but you know it’ll never be the same again, that maybe small parts have been missing and you will forever feel that hollowness. But then you’ll feel renewed and uplifted all at the same time, which is quite contradictory but you can’t find a proper word for it – that’s exactly what I felt and so much more, and again I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Rating: rating_5stars

“All I can say is that you make me… you make me into someone I couldn’t even imagine. You make me happy, even when you’re awful. I would rather be with you – even the you that you seem to think is diminished – than with anyone else in the world.”
― Jojo MoyesMe Before You


These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner: Book Review



Synopsis: Luxury spaceliner Icarus suddenly plummets from hyperspace into the nearest planet. Lilac LaRoux and Tarver Merendsen survive – alone. Lilac is the daughter of the richest man in the universe. Tarver comes from nothing, a cynical war hero. Both journey across the eerie deserted terrain for help. Everything changes when they uncover the truth.

The Starbound Trilogy: Three worlds. Three love stories. One enemy.

Date Published: December 10, 2013

Publisher: Hyperion

No. of Pages: 378 pages

Date Read: December 2015

Source: Bought it.


One word: Weird. The good kind of weird. But I tell you the story is as beautiful as the cover!

Sci-fi being an uncharted genre for me, it really took me a whole while to start reading this book, I’ve had it with me for more than a year now and never get the urge to finally crack its spine. Plus the hype when I bought it was so intense then, and as most of you know I tend to veer away from hyped books so I waited a whole year to finally read this one. And this moment has never been sweeter. 🙂 It’s true what they say, the perfect book will come to you at the perfect time.

At first I thought this ain’t my kind-of-book, definitely not right up my alley. But because I wanted to widen my reading experience, I bought it. I could not also discount the fact that the beautiful cover really drew me in. Tell me who could resist that?

The only extent of SciFi genre I have encountered is Cinder and it is not even super scifi. See my palpable lack of knowledge about SciFi books. So I have always put this at the bottom of my to-be-read pile. I was avoiding it, so to speak. I was easily lost in the terminologies and space stuff, and was having a hard time picturing a scene. But boy, I really tried hard. I wanted to understand the hype surrounding this book, I want to love it too. I was past 50 pages when I stopped reading for almost two weeks. I just lost interest, I could not exactly point my finger as to why, I blame the holiday season though, but still not enough reason to abandon a book right? Maybe I just couldn’t wrap my head around the terminologies and my evident lack of interest contributed to it too. I was distracted with other books, the ones I could see myself really enjoying (*insert* Game of Thrones). But then one evening, I was staring at my bookshelf, forcing myself to go back and read Game of Thrones, but perpetually failing. I looked at the cover of These Broken Stars and thought to myself, I ought to finish it before the year ends, so I picked it up, hoping to all odds the story will be more interesting than I have expected. And yes, before I know it, it is past 2 am and just couldn’t put the book down! What a turn of events! And the next days were spent huddled in a corner with this book in hand over-eager to know what’s about to go down.

 The book leaves every chapter with somehow a cliffhanger, that you just couldn’t stop reading until you know what the hell was going on. And even then you are still left baffled with too many questions you are so dying to know the answers to. And yes up until the end I was predicting what was about to happen, and none of my predictions came close to what was really happening. The authors made it so engaging that you could not miss the tension, the build-up of the story, the whole being at the edge of your seat situation. Boy! I loved every bit of it.

Lilac and Tarver’s story of survival is really unique and weird if I may add. The whole novel was a good kind of weird, and to be honest I got creeped out at some parts. (Especially that one in the forest, okay I’ll stop there I don’t want to spoil anyone).

Lilac’s and Tarver’s character were consistent. I loved how the romance did not happen in an instant, there was the development as the whole story progresses. I also cannot discount the cuteness of their banter and how they seem to hate each other so much at the beginning. I loved how badass Lilac can be and how caring Tarver is. Although everything was not answered and explained thoroughly in its ending, I am satisfied with how the story ended. I could not wait to read This Shattered World.

I also commend the authors for giving such a great story, it was not mediocre at all. It was a different taste to what I normally read, and for that I am thankful. This book made me want to read and explore SciFi genre. And oh yes, I’ve found favorite new authors! 🙂

So for those having a hard time getting into SciFi genre, this book is definitely a good start.

Enjoy the rest of your vacation and Happy New Year!


“I know a thousand different smiles, each with its own nuanced shade of meaning, but I don’t know how to reach the few feet away to touch this person next to me. I don’t know how to talk to him. Not when it’s real.” 
― Amie KaufmanThese Broken Stars


Ugly People Beautiful Hearts by Marlen Komar: Book Review


Synopsis: Ugly People Beautiful Hearts is a poetry book with over 70 poems that explores loneliness, quiet sadness, bursts of happiness, and contentment over the fact that everything you have, will eventually go okay. But that’s sort of beautiful in its own right.

It has verses moving between the feelings of loving someone, feeling loss, trusting the night sky, losing your light, resolving that hurt is beautiful, and finding compassion in a stranger’s smile.

Date Published: March 13, 2015

Publisher: Self-Published

No. of Pages: 96 pages

Date Read: May 16, 2015

Source: Provided by the Author. 🙂


Achingly beautiful.

Wow. Just wow. Let me find the perfect words to describe this poetry book. It was just amazing, spot-on, raw and real. I have found a favorite. This poetry book is easily on my top list of poetry books. It was just, ugh! I cannot give justice to how good it was. And I can’t thank Marlen herself for giving me a copy of her incredible book. I definitely see myself rereading the whole thing over and over. The book was able to paint, heartbreaks, courage, the beauty of life, the silver lining in every sadness, so vividly and so accurate you can easily put yourself inside it. That every hurt and pain is universal, that there is beauty in pain and there is always hope. If you enjoyed Lover’s Dictionary by David Levithan and the works of Lang Leav and Sarah Kay you will surely love this book. I cannot recommend it enough!

It is not so often that I review poetry books, I wouldn’t want to ruin the beauty of it and yes my words may not give it the justice it deserves, but this poetry book is just so beautiful that I could not pass the opportunity to be able to tell the world about it. I loved how it was written with overflowing emotions that you could not help but nod your head. What is more amazing about this poetry book is that, it is like telling your own story but through the words of another, but the emotions, the realizations, the subtle hints, the epiphany, the realness of it all are all there, poking your heart making you feel everything all over again.

I think I tabbed 80% of the book, and it is so hard to choose my favorite piece. But here it is.

Chance Meeting Over Coffee

And I have this one coffee shop I go to, a couple of blocks from my apartment. The lights inside are as warm as the din of chatter from people bent over chapter books, quietly trading papers as they murmur about future Sundays. Coats hug the backs of chairs and a few mittens lay discarded under tables, hopefully not forgotten. But I, I always keep my coat on.

I hold my cup with both hands, watching the dust dance in the rays of light breaking onto my table. I look up and you approach me, as I thought you would, eventually.

“I think we’ve met before.” “I think you’re right.”

“You always put my coffee mugs back on the wrong shelf, if I remember right.”

“And stain the rims with berry reds from my lips.”

“That part I didn’t mind all that much.”

I smiled.

“I think one time I fell asleep on your shoulder, with my feet over yours on the coffee table.”

‘You were wearing my wool socks.”

“You might be right.” I shifted in my chair, trying to fight the urge to look out the window. “I think I used to sit on windowsills, keeping the afternoon company; eating strawberries and thinking of you.” I crossed my feet at the ankles, looked up at you. “That probably sounds silly.”

“I’m not sure why,” you said slowly, weighing your words, “but for whatever reason I think I remember how your eyes looked at one o’clock, when the night was not yet ready for morning to come.”

“That’s a peculiar thing to say.”

“Yea you’re right.” You paused. Then continued.

“Were you the one that used to use hardcover books as coasters? And put rosemary in vases like flowers?” You smiled, trying to place the girl. “Wait, was it you that danced with me in the kitchen? To the sound of the dishwasher running and the color draining from the sky?”

“It might have been. Maybe?”



“Well. I should be going then. Maybe sometime later we’ll see each other again. Things might be different. I’m sure it’ll come to me how I know you.”

“You know how these things are.”
You waved goodbye with your paper, and I watched your back leave the shop. Funny, how some strangers were once apart of your life.

Rating: 5 stars

TOP 14 OF 2014


Hi everybody! two hours from now it is already new year here in the Philippines, I would all like to greet you a Happy New Year, may your 2015 be more blessed and me more fruitful Cheers to more books this 2015!

Today I picked my top 14 books for the year 2014. I was not able to read a lot of books because I had a six-month review a another month to take the bar exams, despite that I was able to read 54 books, yes I was able to achieve my goal of reading 50 books for 2014. However, I did not include the books I have read in ebook format, maybe I’ll make a separate post about it.

So yes, let’s get on to the books that made it to my top list. This will be in no particular order. 🙂

1. Chopsticks by Jessica Anthony and Rodrigo Corral

I love how this book was narrated thru snippets, photos and little notes. It was a quite interesting reading experience. i loved that it was not as shallow as what the cover conveys, there is always something deeper, and something mysterious. You can view my review of the book here.

2. Unwind by Neal Shusterman

Ahhh this book, this book, holy smokes this book is soo freaking good!!! I cannot even begin to tell you how addictive it is!! You can see my review here.

3. Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson

I really loved this book, despite its mixed reviews, I really enjoyed it! I love the romance in it and the fact that the readers actually take part on guessing who is the assassin and who is the prince. I loved the medieval feel to it. I cannot wait to read the next book of this series.

4. Winger by Andrew Smith

This has been one of the best books I have read, instantly a favorite! It tackles on sensitive issues, and I love that the voice of Dean West was captured in its best sense, not pretentious, just perfect. And oh that ending, shattered my heart! This for sure will not be the last book I will read by Andrew Smith.

5. Cinder by Marissa Meyer.

This is the book I did not expect loving, I loved how it was unique and at the same time familiar. I just got myself Scarlet and Cress so I could marathon them, I tell you guys, Lunar Chronicles is one amazing series!

6. The Ocean at The End of The Lane by Neil Gaiman

This is my first Neil Gaiman read and it was a great reading experience, I now understand why Neil Gaiman has become a staple in anyone’s bookshelf, he is a genius!

7. Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor

The conclusion of my favorite trilogy of all time! I just love the story! I love Akiva and Karou! The writing style was perfect!!! Oh what I would trade to read them again for the first time!

8. Angelfall by Susan Ee

Ahh another story I was drawn to like a moth to a flame! It was so action-packed and so fast-paced that I am always at the edge of my seat! I love everything about this book! Ahhh so so good!

9. We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

Oh this mind-blowing book! This book is insane, full of what-the-fuckery. If you have not read this, please please do!

10.Love and Misadventure by Lang Leav

Ah pure brilliance!

11. Lullabies by Lang Leav

I love Lang Leav’s work!! Always spot on!

12. Invisible Monsters Remix by Chuck Palahniuk

This book is so dark and so twisted, and I really really loved it. I have not read anything quite like it, because of this book Chuck Palahniuk instantly became a favorite author! It was raw, disturbing and enthralling, perfect read!

13. A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall

This book is so cuuuute! I love the 14 point of views! if you are looking for that perfect cutesy summer read this is the book for you!!

14. I Feel Bad About my Neck by Nora Ephron

This author is the voice of modern day woman, her experiences are the experiences of every woman around the globe, and I also adore her humor and wit. I have read two of her works, and she never disappoint!


So there is my top 14 of 2014, I hope 2015 would be a great year for books! Cheers and Happy New Year!!


Chopsticks by Jessica Anthony and Rodrigo Corral: Book Review

Synopsis: After her mother died, Glory retreated into herself and her music. Her single father raised her as a piano prodigy, with a rigid schedule and the goal of playing sold-out shows across the globe. Now, as a teenager, Glory has disappeared. As we flash back to the events leading up to her disappearance, we see a girl on the precipice of disaster. Brilliant and lonely, Glory is drawn to an artistic new boy, Frank, who moves in next door. The farther she falls, the deeper she spirals into madness. Before long, Glory is unable to play anything but the song "Chopsticks." But nothing is what it seems, and Glory's reality is not reality at all. In this stunningly moving novel told in photographs, pictures, and words, it's up to the reader to decide what is real, what is imagined, and what has been madness all along....

Synopsis: After her mother died, Glory retreated into herself and her music. Her single father raised her as a piano prodigy, with a rigid schedule and the goal of playing sold-out shows across the globe. Now, as a teenager, Glory has disappeared. As we flash back to the events leading up to her disappearance, we see a girl on the precipice of disaster. Brilliant and lonely, Glory is drawn to an artistic new boy, Frank, who moves in next door. The farther she falls, the deeper she spirals into madness. Before long, Glory is unable to play anything but the song “Chopsticks.”
But nothing is what it seems, and Glory’s reality is not reality at all. In this stunningly moving novel told in photographs, pictures, and words, it’s up to the reader to decide what is real, what is imagined, and what has been madness all along….

Date Published: February 2, 2012

Publisher: Razorbill

No. of Pages: 272

Date Read: December 2014

Source: I bought it.


Whoa! Too unique for words.

Did I miss out on anything? It feels like there was something I missed out on. I tried to get back to the last few pages and I was baffled even more. Maybe the book wanted to leave it at that, and I wouldn’t want to sound pretentious, nope I am not being pretentious here, I just simply loved the whole of it. No sugarcoating or anything, just the pure truth. I specifically liked that it was a novel narrated thru pictures and snippets and cutesy letters passed between two individuals. It is like you are witnessing a love story unfold your very eyes, a love story with of course down sides and struggles. But what got me was the last part, was Frank even real? That has been bothering me, was he all made up by Glory? The fact that the book puzzles its reader is really something wonderful, it is like you are told a beautiful story and you get to choose the ending, you may make it tragic or turn it into a happy one. The pictures set a haunting and riveting feel to it, it was melodramatic and poignant, but satisfying at the same time, there is just too much uniqueness surrounding this book. It is truly beautiful, that too much words were not necessary, the whole book speaks for itself. It was mysterious and baffling, but within its mystery I found myself coming up with different conclusion, and each of these conclusions paved way to more questions and new theories, it will be a never- ending cycle, but I am more than okay with that. I love that when in the future I decide to reread it, I will then again be bombarded with a different theory, it is like reading it for the first time, and not all books can do that, offering an alternative ending to a one solid story. Ahh, I feel like I am not making sense, I just can’t put into proper words about how enthralling this book was. I also specifically loved the use of The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath and Twenty Love Poems and A Song of Despair by Pablo Neruda in one of the photos. I think I have found a new favorite!

Rating: 5 stars

All we need is the slightest kiss of the wind…

Unlit Star by Lindy Zart


Synopsis: We are not guaranteed anything, not even this life.

Rivers Young is the popular guy untouchable by reality. He is like a star—bright, consuming, otherworldly. The thing about stars, though, is that they eventually fall, and he is no different.

He falls far and he falls hard.

Delilah Bana is the outcast enshrouded in all of life’s ironies. Alone, in the dark, like dusk as it falls on the world. When Rivers hits the ground, she is the night that catches him. In the darkness, they meld into something beautiful that shines like the sun.

Only, the greater the star is, the shorter its lifespan.

Date Published: August 20, 2014

Date Read: November 5, 2014


I loved it. Desperately. Undeniably. Wholly. Without regret.

I am still currently wiping tears off my face. It was achingly beautiful as it was ultimately satisfying. It was as true as it could get. There are just too much wisdom contained in this book that I could not help myself but stop and ponder, all of it were true. Delilah and Rivers’ story just opened up too much realizations, realizations I couldn’t help but agree. I loved that each chapter wasn’t really revealing everything all at once there was still the sense of surprise, of constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop and when it finally did, it was played out beautifully, exceptionally tear-inducing even. I think I have found another favorite, also the author writes amazingly, it was spot on. It just tugged every heart strings. It wasn’t solely about love, but more than anything it tackles, loss, pain, family and the awful realities of life but more importantly how one must live life the way he pleases it, without regrets. No more second-guessing, just basking into the abyss of the unknown.

I loved how the characters evolved, especially Rivers Young. How he turned out into someone worthy and Delilah Bana who was stubborn for all the right reasons, I loved her character, the way she reacts towards things and her principles in life. How she didn’t give up despite of the shitty hand she was dealt with. I loved how Rivers and Delilah meld into something stellar, into something so true, it hurts.

Maybe all I am saying is that, you should just read it and see it for yourself and feel the rawness of all the emotions. Now I am pretty sure I cannot fully move on from this. Ah it is just so beautiful it hurts, but I already said that and whatever, just let me sulk about it some more.

Rating:   ❤ /5 stars

“I could choose to be sad, or I could choose to be happy. Life – it’s one choice after another. And how our lives are, that’s our choice as well.”

Where Love Finds You by Marilyn Grey


Synopsis: Kick off The Unspoken Series with Where Love Finds You
A beautiful story of contentment, serendipity, and hopefulness…

Ella and Matthew have many differences, but they share a common goal: to find the one person they are meant to spend their lives with.

Years ago, Ella Rhodes looked across a crowded cafe and saw the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. She left her number, but he never called. Wondering if he somehow missed the note on the back of the receipt, she spent her twenties waiting for this man to walk into her life again. After all this time, will Ella finally discover “the one” she’s been waiting for? Or, after being sent on various blind dates, will she give her heart to someone else?

Meanwhile, Matthew Ryan breaks up with his long-time girlfriend. Searching his heart he wonders if there is really a “one” for every person, or if there is simply a good, better, and best. Where does Lydia, the girl who would do anything for him, fit into the story of his life? Confused, Matthew sets out to explore his options and find the love he’s been looking for his entire life. Will he find love before it’s too late or will he lose everything?

After reading Where Love Finds You, follow the stories of these character’s from Gavin’s perspective in Down from the Clouds, The Life I Now Live, and more to come….

Date Published: May 19, 2013

Publisher: WInslet Press

Date Read: June 2013

Series: Book 1 of the Unspoken Series


It is not so often that I come across a book and really agree with all that is contained therein and it is also not so often that I would stop reading and ponder on the truthfulness of mixed up words turned into a captivating book, today I fortunately and happily did. This book just hits all the right spots, tugged all the heartstrings. It was a perfect book for love and life. It is as if love, life, fate and everything that comes with it are summed up by this book.

Once I started reading this, I wasted no time finishing it. I was hooked from the very first page until the last phrase. This book tells a story not quite like the other. And oh the twist! Never saw that one coming, I was so ready to accept how the book turned out, thought to myself I could never get the ending I wanted, I guess that’s how the author wanted to portray the book, something realistic. But I couldn’t be any happier with how the book ended, just perfect, not the way I imagined it to be but way more beautiful. I really commend the author’s way of writing, brilliant and flawless

Rating: 5/5 stars

“Sometimes when you take chances you lose chances. And sometimes when you lose chances, you gain something else. Don’t live for chances. Sometimes it’s better to lose chance and gain purpose. Live for today. You’ll find so much more joy.”