Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk: Book Review


Synopsis: Every weekend, in basements and parking lots across the country, young men with good white-collar jobs and absent fathers take off their shoes and shirts and fight each other barehanded for as long as they have to. Then they go back to those jobs with blackened eyes and loosened teeth and the sense that they can handle anything. Fight Club is the invention of Tyler Durden, projectionist, waiter and dark, anarchic genius. And it’s only the beginning of his plans for revenge on a world where cancer support groups have the corner on human warmth.

Date Published: October 2, 1997

Publisher: Vintage Books

No. Of Pages: 214

Date Read: February 2016



Possibly one of the best books I have read in my 27 years living in this world. It was ridiculously so good, Chuck Palahniuk was a genius.

I am Joe’s overly excited self.

I am Joe’s eyes opened with such amazement.

I am Joe’s cart-wheeling endorphins.

I could not even begin to tell you how great this book is. I mean, if anyone asks about what will be that one book that I could recommend over and over, I wouldn’t say a thing but just proceed to shoving this book to that person’s face until it becomes a part of him. (because you know I abide by the rules of Fight Club. 1st rule is you do no talk about Fight Club). This is without a doubt included in my Top Favorite Books of All Time. It was a timeless piece, all encompassing, relevant and harrowing but in a masochistic kind of way because you would end up begging for more, even if it screws you up time and time again. You’re just like that proverbial moth attracted to the flame. There’s no way out of it, it will inhabit your soul and meld all these larger than life concepts you got from the book and live by it day in and day out. One does not simply finish this book without a part of them left unscathed. It was more like that sensation of getting a tattoo, that bzzzt bzzzt and the pain blending into this inexplicable euphoria, only you are aware about at that precise moment. Just like standing on a precipice, torn between backing out and taking that leap, but once you’ve made the step forward it is kind of liberating and scary all at the same time. Man, I could go on with a lot of metaphors and comparisons, but this book just brings out that side of me so naturally.

Chuck Palahniuk is a genius, hands down! I could worship the guy. He writes twisted and unconventional stories and make them believable and beautiful. What I loved about his writing style was it was so distinct. Clearly a cut above the rest! His characters are not the usual ones, he always thinks outside the box, always goes against the norm, always a step ahead. I have read Invisible Monster Remix and the non-remix version two years ago and right then and there I fell in love. Now I cannot forgive myself why I stalled for so long to start reading Fight Club. It felt like I missed out on a lot of things. What have I been doing all my life. That’s how great of an author Chuck Palahniuk is. He will make you question things and instill distorted beliefs that at the end of the day, you, without resistance whatsoever so willingly live by.

This book was just so clever and cunning at the same time, my goodness that twist. I haven’t watched the movie, so I don’t really know what I am in for. Best decision of my life to read it first before seeing the movie. Because that TWIST. THAT FREAKING TWIST! I flipped out, I didn’t know it could get even better than what I was getting. The element of surprise truly won me over. I didn’t see that one coming to be completely honest. And there’s complete bliss in not knowing. This book was so beautifully crafted and well written, it is definitely not one to miss. I reckon every reader should at least read a Chuck Palahniuk book. Include it on your Books To Read Before I Die List, you can thank me after.

I loved how the book didn’t do any sugarcoating. Everything was presented as it is. Take it or leave it kind of way. I loved how the book revolved around human frailty and the convoluted web of man’s wants and needs and what they believe in between what they actually are. The concept of Fight Club gave voice to the undervalued, to the ordinary ones, to the people who settled into something less than their true capacity. They were liberated into something they could claim as their own and take pride from it. I loved how it can be connected to society’s everyday struggle, seeing how the other half lives, how everything isn’t exactly painted in black and white. Chuck Palahniuk wrote a world where once in our mundane way of living crossed our minds. This book was the fruition of every wicked and disturbing concept we once thought of. Chuck Palahniuk, spoke for us, and I couldn’t be any happier that he did.

Rating: images.png 

“You are not special. You’re not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You’re the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We’re all part of the same compost heap. We’re all singing, all dancing crap of the world.” 
― Chuck PalahniukFight Club

25 Bookish Facts About Me


It’s almost 2 am here and I cannot bring myself to sleep. You know, one of those nights when everything that happened to you three years ago all suddenly came rushing in. Yep. So instead of wallowing to some nonexistent dilemma, let me put this time into a good use.

I have seen a lot of booktubers do this 25 Bookish Facts About Me on their respective channels, I am sorry I haven’t done enough research as to who really started it (i’ll include it and give credit once I have learned about it), so I thought why not do it in a blog form?

These facts may not be as surprising as you all may have expected, but come on humor me on this one. Pretend it interests you. Haha

1. The first classic I have read was The Last of The Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper. and I completely forgot what it was about haha.

2. I prefer hardbacks, but dang why are they so expensive?

3. I am addicted to Bookstagram. Yep give me a follow hahah @nerdytalksbookblog hashtag shameless plugging haha

4. I take bookstagram seriously, hahah, what with all the props I need. Haha. I kid you not, I take a lot of time at the home & decor section of H&M or any home & decor section of the mall just to find some cutesy stuff I could throw in as props. My super best friend and go to place for “props” nowadays is Japan Home Centre or Daiso where everything is P88 or 2$. From chopping board, to cute kettles down to clear teapots. I could spend hours in that place.

5. While we are at the bookstagram topic. I usually take pictures around 3-4 pm. I loved the lighting, that faint yellow glow, au naturale lighting is the key to a bookstagram worthy photo. I use the app Snapseed to edit my photo and VSCO cam to apply filters. I even bought the paid filters. Go back to fact 4, I take bookstagram seriously. haha

6. I never dog-ear a book or highlight one. I use sticky tabs before, but not anymore, it was time consuming to put tabs, and kind of kill the moment especially when I am already engrossed by what was happening in the book I am reading.

7. I have a lot of bookmarks, and yes I try to use every single one of them. I have a different bookmark for different books, your argument is invalid. haha

8. My favorite genre is Fantasy and Romance.

9. I was once addicted to Sweet Valley High. Elizabeth and Jessica yay!

10. I love poetry books, especially when it is about love, life and death.

11. I dream of writing my own poetry book someday.

12. Tom Hardy and Kit Harington are the only ones I picture as book boyfriends. Hahah no matter what was the description.

13. Love triangles are the bane of my existence.

14. I have a hard time reading SciFi books, definitely not my cup of tea. But I’m trying. I loved These Broken Stars, so that’s a start right?

15. My most read book is This is A Love Story by Jessica Thompson. 

16. I don’t like ARCs.

17. I never join the hype, save for some exceptions. I let it die down before I pick up the book.

18. I love books with angels in it, or marines!

19. I love secondhand bookstores! Who doesn’t?

20. There is no such thing as having too many books. Do you agree or do you agree?

21. I stopped reading in ebook form. My eyesight suffered tremendously. But I am planning to get a Kindle haha, what a contradiction.

22. I look at my shelf and smile. The first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see at night. 🙂

23. I get too emotional when reading. I think of the characters for days on end.

24. I roll my eyes pretty much all the time when reading a very annoying character, and there maybe some pulling out of hair too and occasional muffled scream of frustration. I swear I get too animated when reading haha. I am truly a sight to behold. And don’t start with me with funny books being read in public, you will definitely think I lost it.

25. Lastly, I never liked people who book shames. What do I mean by this, these are the people who judge you by what you read, or have not read. I mean, read and let read guys. If the person likes Fifty Shades of Grey, then let them be and leave them the hell alone, don’t tell them what to read and what not to. But then, I don’t like people who claims to be at the upper echelon because they have read a certain book and so on and so forth, acting like they are the superior of all races, no, that’s not cool either. Be kind to new readers, you were once a new reader too, you definitely know how it felt.

So that’s just about it. Who wants to be tagged? Come do this with me!

I’ll be tagging a few friends. 🙂

Bea of Confessions of A Pinay Bookaholic

Cath of To All The Books I’ve Read Before

Jenny of Jayne Vs Books

Elena of The Queen Reads

Pearl of BiblioPearl


Hope you’ll have fun sharing bookish facts about you guys!

Til next time, and I’m still not sleepy. Ugh



Forbidden by Tabitha Suzama: Book Review


Synopsis: A shocking, heartbreaking story of taboo romance that’s as compelling as it is controversial.

Seventeen-year-old Lochan and sixteen-year-old Maya have always felt more like friends than siblings. Together they have stepped in for their alcoholic, wayward mother to take care of their three younger siblings. As de facto parents to the little ones, Lochan and Maya have had to grow up fast. And the stress of their lives—and the way they understand each other so completely—has also brought them closer than two siblings would ordinarily be. So close, in fact, that they have fallen in love. Their clandestine romance quickly blooms into deep, desperate love. They know their relationship is wrong and cannot possibly continue. And yet, they cannot stop what feels so incredibly right. As the novel careens toward an explosive and shocking finale, only one thing is certain: A love this devastating has no happy ending.

Date Published: June 26, 2012

Publisher: Simon Pulse

No. of Pages: 454

Date Read: February 2016

Source: Bought it at Fully Booked




I am a complete mess after reading it, I wouldn’t lie, I have never cried like this, not since Me Before You. It was the ugly, uncontrollable bordering hysteria kind of wailing. I kid you not, it was highly proportionate to the feeling of a break up. That was how this book ruined me and took the last modicum of resolve I have left for myself. I couldn’t function well, to be honest. It was so good it hurts oh so bad.

I understand that this book is not for everyone, much like every book there is. Some hated it, some loved it to a fault. I guess there is no one book that everyone loved. The taboo surrounding the book was enough to turn off a lot of readers. I do understand that this was not the conventional one, it may be seen as appalling, or disgusting, or sick, that probably loving the book may brand you as sick too. So consider me sick then, because I loved the book, a little too much, to be completely honest. I also do understand that this book was too controversial, too out of the box, just too much. But hey, I loved how the author was brave enough to write a story such as this, under the scrutiny of people who loved the norm all too much, in a society where you can easily be dismissed as someone who is unstable or too effed-up. I commend that the author did not aim for her books to be loved, but just to write books that will make you feel things and ponder on topics that are best talked behind closed doors through hushed tones. I wouldn’t want to live in a society where you are judged by what you enjoy reading, or what you thought was ‘appropriate’ in the normal course of things. I love books that are not mediocre, that are too preposterous it will make you question your own beliefs. To cut it short, I want books that challenge me as a reader. And this book did just that.

So on to this oh so controversial read, the book had this melancholic tone all through out. Like there was this heavy cloud hovering above threatening a devastating downpour. A feeling of unease that you just can’t simply shake off. But you would continue reading, why would you even stop, it hurts yes, but it was so well and beautifully written naturally pulling you into that vortex of unwelcome emotions and before you know it the book is attached to you like your own limb. I wouldn’t say I was totally fine with Lochan and Maya’s relationship, but it was what the book is about, it is what I have signed up for, I should not expect a different one right, this my friends is the key to enjoying a book. Keep your expectations to a minimum, and let the book surprise you.

There was this sense of sincerity, it doesn’t feel forced at all. I truly loved how everything was explained clearly, how every scene was necessary, how everything made more sense in the end. The foreshadowing was impeccable too. And the way you feel the characters as if they were all too real. How distinct they are from each other. And yes I really like the alternating point of views. I loved how mature Lochan and Maya’s characters are, how they are not those whiny protagonists we often read in YA books. They were different and unforgettable.

The only issue I had was why it was placed under the YA genre, it was too sensitive of a topic for young readers. Other than this, there was nothing that could make me hate the book. It was just brilliant as it was jarring. It was the kind of book that will stay with you for a very long time, more like forever.

And that ending, the book itself wrecked me, but with that ending, damn I was shattered into pieces. There was no moving on from this. I thought I had it all figured out, but Tabitha Suzama didn’t stop with the torture, she wanted the readers to die inside with that finale. I died, this is just my soul writing this review. Truly remarkable! One of a kind! I can go on and on about it for days and that wouldn’t be enough. Ahhhh. Now give me a happy book please, release me from this agony.

Rating: rating_5stars

Out of the millions and millions of people that inhabit this planet, he is one of the tiny few I can never have.

Tabitha Suzama; Forbidden

Losing Plot in LA by Sonia Farnsworth: Book Review


Synopsis: Sylvie is a trendy, LA party girl with more going on than she knows what to do with. Between apartment hunting, insane friends, a rapidly growing puppy, and one too many boys to juggle, she’s just trying to catch her breath. Will the craziness overwhelm her, or will she find a better path to move forward? Draw a bath, pour some bubbly, and join her as she tries not to Lose the Plot.

Date Published: June 20, 2015

Publisher: Mascot Books

No. of Pages: 192

Date Read: February 2016

Source: Copy provided by the author



Light and funny read, but definitely with a heart.

Sylvie’s love life was one hell of a roller coaster ride, happens to the best of us right? What was engaging about this book was there was this sense of lightness and fun in it, it was easy to fly through it. I bet one can finish this in one sitting. What I adored about this book is that Sylvie, our main protagonist, never gives up on finding love. She had a lot of set backs, what with the strings of men who was never the right fit, men who never quite love her the way she wanted to be loved, until she met someone who was just the perfect match. Losing the Plot in LA is something you would want to read on the beach or during a quick weekend getaway. You’ll laugh with Sylvie and all the shenanigans, and possibly be able to relate to her predicaments in life and love more than you thought possible.

This book made me want to live in LA! Hahah it just felt like so much fun and carefree. Sylvie’s life may have went off track but she was able to bounce back. Losing the Plot in LA was a good take on a life of a twenty something finding what’s best for her, may it be an apartment, a boyfriend or the perfect job. There was this sense of satisfaction when the novel ended, that despite the shitty hands you were dealt with, things will come around and will always end up the way you had planned.

I think we are in need of a lot of this kind of novels, the reassuring ones, books that will make you feel good about life. I had a few issues though, there were a few unnecessary parts that the book can honestly do away. Also there were too many characters that I found it a little confusing who was who. There was also a point that the book becomes a little repetitive. But all things considered, I still enjoyed this one. The perfect book to snap you out of a depressing state.

Massive thank you to Sonia for sending me her book! More power to you!

Rating: FiveStarsInline3.svg

Nothing was more nauseating than people who constantly complained about their life, but did nothing about it.

– Sonia Farnsworth; Losing The Plot in LA


The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath: Book Review


Synopsis: Sylvia Plath’s shocking, realistic, and intensely emotional novel about a woman falling into the grip of insanity

Esther Greenwood is brilliant, beautiful, enormously talented, and successful, but slowly going under—maybe for the last time. In her acclaimed and enduring masterwork, Sylvia Plath brilliantly draws the reader into Esther’s breakdown with such intensity that her insanity becomes palpably real, even rational—as accessible an experience as going to the movies. A deep penetration into the darkest and most harrowing corners of the human psyche, The Bell Jar is an extraordinary accomplishment and a haunting American classic. 

Date Published: first published 1963

No. of Pages: 244 pages

Publisher: Harper & Row Publishers Inc

Date Read: February 2016

Source: I Bought it


The word depressing doesn’t even begin to cover it. 

This book sucked out the joy in me, I’m not saying this in a bad way, but man, after reading this I definitely needed a hug or a cup of tea to soothe me. I never would have picked up perfect time to read this. I reckon if I read this when I was younger I wouldn’t be able to grasp it and relate to it completely. It is always true that the perfect book will find you. This book is really beautifully written, I now fully understand how many readers loved Sylvia Plath. (I have only read Ariel also by her, so I never really understood the depth of Sylvia Plath’s magnificent writing style, now I do.)

The Bell Jar is a very compelling and powerful read, it is not a shocker to learn that it is on the Top Books to Read Before You Die list. Every reader should read it at least once in their lives. What a fulfillment to have read it. This book still proves to be relevant up to this day. I loved how book encompasses time. Esther never wanted to settle for something that the society dictated a woman to be, she went out of the box and the stereotyping. I loved how the message it was trying to send across, was successfully perceived by the reader.

Also, the book portrayed the situation of a person spiraling down to the pit of depression. It was heartbreaking, if you ask me. How Esther had all her future laid out for her but was robbed off of it before her very eyes. I specifically loved the narration of the whole story, there are moments that I have to reread some paragraphs because I wouldn’t want to misinterpret it, but this book was so open to a lot of interpretations, it keeps its reader involved. I loved how Esther’s point of view felt so real, like I feel Esther crawling under my very skin. It seems to me that not everything is what meets the eye, there was always something deeper, something incomprehensible and something that makes the reader wonder. It is surely a book that will stay with you for a long time. This book was sincere and raw as any other great book should be.

I have heard that The Bell Jar was a semi-autobiography, and I can understand the similarity of Sylvia Plath’s life to that of Esther Greenwood. It has made me see things in a bigger perspective, in a clearer point of view. Just a side story here:  I have a friend who had depression, I so wanted to help her out of it but back then I never knew a lot about depression, I guess you can never fully understand it unless you have it, I must say after reading this book it gave me an idea what my friend felt during those dark times. Im glad she’s okay now, and I am glad too that I could at least understand what she had gone through. I discovered that books with this topic appeal to me so much, as I wanted to understand, I wanted to be in their shoes even vicariously through books. I could definitely recommend reading The Bell Jar but be ready to feel immense sadness, because it will take a little while to snap out of it.

Rating: rating_4stars

“I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn’t quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn’t make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet.” 
― Sylvia PlathThe Bell Jar

Women Run The World Readathon:Updates


Hi guys! How’s your progress with our readathon? As for my case, I have already finished two books Woman Alone and Other Plays and The Yellow Wall Paper. I am now half way through The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath and enjoying it to so much! I have tabbed a lot of passages already. I can already tell it will be a favorite.

How about you guys, what books have you read for our readathon! Share them on twitter, instagram using our official hashtag #WomenRunTheWorldReadathon and also visit our GoodReads group and join in with our discussion. It is not too late to join guys! 🙂 I would love to know what have you been reading!

I would leave you with these videos of powerful spoken word poetry I chanced upon about Feminism! Ahh I am obsessed about Spoken Word Poetry, who’s with me! Happy Reading everyone, but please watch these videos first!







Top Three Wednesday: Top Three Contemporary YA Novels


Another round of our Top Three Wednesday! Today we will be talking about our Top Three Contemporary YA novels. Who doesn’t love YA? There is this sense of comfort, of home-y feel when I am reading YA novels. And yes I do admit that sometimes I am too old for YA, but I just could not resist them, there this magnetic pull that I dare not fight. Because, admit it or not, we sometimes crave for the YA “feels”, the perfect one to read after a grueling, say adult fantasy or a dark book. YAs are truly a breath of fresh air.



1. Winger by Andrew Smith

You can check my review of the book here. This book just took me by surprise. I never had big expectations, I read it without knowing much about it. All I know is it is about a 14 year old boy in a boarding school. I have not read anything like it before so I went ahead and bought a copy and read it during the Anti Bullying Readathon hosted by Sarah on book tube and goodreads. I was not that excited to read the book since I thought I might not be able relate to it or identify with the character. But boy I was sorely mistaken. This book was a gem, I never thought I would like it this much. Ryan Dean West character was not one to miss. The book was funny and deep at the same time. I never thought I could get so much out of it. And that ending! Oh my goodness it broke my heart, I was sobbing like crazy. This is one of the best books I read in 2014. And oh there is this some kind of Looking For Alaska feel to it.



2. Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

Ahhhh this will always be a favorite YA of all freaking time! I never thought I could love a book so much! This book kept me company when I was in the hospital taking care of my dad. And I couldn’t have picked up a better companion. The story of Eleanor and Park is not like the typical YA stories. This one right here has depth, it was not the usual immature and whiny characters we have grown accustomed reading. Now this one for me is a cut above the rest, and to this day not one YA contemporary has replaced this in my heart. What I would trade to read it for the first time again. This book introduced me to Rainbow Rowell and her brilliance. She is one of the authors I have high respect to and on my bookish bucket list is to meet her. I love the innocence in this book, that pureness of first love and also I loved that Eleanor was the representation of undervalued girls and how her character has been a relevant one in the society we live in today. Hmmm now I’m sensing a reread coming in the future! I want to meet them again!




3. Puddle Jumping by Amber L. Johnson

Another book that will always hold a special place in my heart. Too bad I don’t have a physical copy! This book is about a guy who has Aspergers and a girl who helped him and the beautiful relationship that sprung from it. Gahhhddd, I cannot recommend this one hard enough! I think I have tabbed almost each page. This book was so beautifully written and after reading it you will just hug the book and cradle it for as long as you possibly could. There was sincerity, coyness and most of all – heart. I loved how this book talked about a mental condition such as Aspergers and how the characters had their flaws yet despite it, they are beautiful. This is definitely one of the best YA books out there! Amber L. Johnson is such a great writer, she weaves perfect heartfelt stories that you wouldn’t want to miss. Definitely a must read for young and adult alike!


So there you have it guys, another Wednesday has passed. Are you excited for the weekend, it is Valentine’s day! Where are your partners taking you? Hope you will have a great time! Till next post! Bye!



Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard: Book Review


Synopsis: This is a world divided by blood – red or silver.

The Reds are commoners, ruled by a Silver elite in possession of god-like superpowers. And to Mare Barrow, a seventeen-year-old Red girl from the poverty-stricken Stilts, it seems like nothing will ever change.

That is, until she finds herself working in the Silver Palace. Here, surrounded by the people she hates the most, Mare discovers that, despite her red blood, she possesses a deadly power of her own. One that threatens to destroy the balance of power.

Fearful of Mare’s potential, the Silvers hide her in plain view, declaring her a long-lost Silver princess, now engaged to a Silver prince. Despite knowing that one misstep would mean her death, Mare works silently to help the Red Guard, a militant resistance group, and bring down the Silver regime.

But this is a world of betrayal and lies, and Mare has entered a dangerous dance – Reds against Silvers, prince against prince, and Mare against her own heart …

Date Published: February 10, 2015

Publisher: Harper Teen

No. of Pages: 384

Date Read: February 7, 2016

Source: I bought my own copy.



A mixture of Hunger Games, X-men and a little bit of Selection. In short, something we already have seen before.

This book has been sitting on my shelf for a year now. I bought it during its release date back in 2015, and since I am not one to join the hype I didn’t read it immediately. Yes I waited a whole year, the perfect timing I guess since Glass Sword comes out February 9, 2016 and Victoria Aveyard will be having a signing here in the Philippines.

So what did I think of it? Hmmm. The first 100 pages gave me the whole Hunger Games vibe and a little bit of The Selection series feel to it that I just couldn’t quite shake off. (I haven’t read the Red Rising by Pierce Brown, so I couldn’t really compare it to that, as most of the people do). I was imagining District 12 as the Stilts. The similarity is really palpable, what with Mare having a little sister just like Primrose, and Kilorn as Gale, one cannot just simply ignore it. There was also the feel of Cinder to it that I could not point exactly but it is there. Add the fact that there was also some XMen element to it. It was truly a mixture of every YA dystopian/fantasy novel rolled into one book, and I don’t know how to feel about it – the originality itself was compromised. Now I understand the mixed reviews, I was so ready to give it a lower rating, I was waiting for something to happen, something to capture my interest more, because I have to admit they are waning when I was past the 150 pages mark. I need something to hold on to, something MOREEEE! And then bam! It hit me like a wrecking ball! THAT TWIST!!! WHAT IS THAT TWIST!?? The twist won me over. Now that got my freaking attention!

I think it was the twist that saved the whole book, if it weren’t for that, the whole book will be another mediocre and forgettable one to add to the pile of all the YA books that tried to be different, but ultimately failed. It was also the reason I gave another star for it. I can’t say I didn’t see it coming, I knew there was going to be a twist, but I didn’t expect it to be what actually transpired. I knew from the start of the book that there was something shady that has been going on with the characters involved. There was this unease that I’ve been having towards the big reveal, I knew something was off, i’m just not sure which was it exactly, (I’m trying this to be as spoiler free as possible so forgive me for being vague), how everything was convenient and too good to be true, my suspicions came to fruition, just not what I had expected. I commend the element of surprise, I wish that was the case in the beginning, – surprising the readers one event after another, maybe then this book could have a solid approval amongst the book lovers.

Another issue was the ever present predicament of love triangles, a character torn between two people. Ugh, why can’t we just do away with it. Is it possible for YA not to have this kind of concept? LOVE TRIANGLES are the bane of my existence! Haha! or anyone for that matter, I never actually met someone who loves love triangles, so why do authors keep on incorporating it on their books? I just don’t understand. Anyway, this book even there was a love triangle, the romance was played out in a subtle way, not too overwhelming or annoying to a fault. For someone who is a sucker for romance, this is one of the few books that I was thankful that the romance was played into a minimum.

Next issue was the lack of back story about the war, that as what the book repeats all the time – the war that has been going on for centuries. I mean I wish there was more explanation as to how the war came about or as to why there was this kind of war and why it just doesn’t end. Why there was a division between the Reds and the Silvers. I have so many questions, that I wished someone had the answers to. The back story was not really well executed, if for anything it adds up to the confusion. But I would like to commend the foreshadowing, how the events led into the big reveal. How each event was linked to the end, I thought that was well played. I cannot discount such fact. I hoped the book was more polished. Plus it annoys me that there was so much repetition. For an instance, whenever Cal does something, Mare will say Cal, the soldier, doing something something, or Cal the prince, the general… and this will go on and on. We know, for crying out loud, we know, we know he is the prince, he is the soldier, he is a general. Or when Mare does something, she will say to herself, “the Red, the liar, or how lying came out so easily ahhh. That was tiring to read. It’s like every action needs justifying, needs explaining, I just don’t like that in a book.

Now let’s talk about Mare, our heroine, she’s not ultimately likable, I had issues with her, but these are more on the tolerable side of things. She can be annoying at times, and she can be mature if she wants to, so all things considered, she was still a good character, maybe I was looking for more depth. Cal on the other hand stayed consistent until the end, out of the all the confusing characters in this book his character was the one I liked most and the one I was constantly rooting for. He has a strong character yet there was soft side in him too. Now Maven, had more character growth, he was the wolf in sheep skin. Despite what he did, I liked his character, he was made to toy with the readers’ emotions, which was a plus for me.

If you are undecided to read this one, I say you do, give it a chance. Maybe you’ll like it, or not. The thing is, you should judge it for yourself. Reviews vary, people’s tastes are different from each other – always always lay judgment after you already know the whole thing, that pretty works in books and hey in life too! Haha

I understand that some people hate it with so much passion, while some loved it. I am kind of in the middle. I am not that impressed, but as I have said the twist was the rope that was thrown in to save the book from completely sinking down. So in the grand scheme of things, I enjoyed this one and will still be reading the next book. Maybe we can see some progress, book 1 will always be a make or break, and Im sure Victoria Aveyard put a lot of effort into making this book.

Rating: rating_4stars More like 3.5

“His lips are on mine, hard and warm and pressing. The touch is electrifying, but not like I’m used to. This isn’t a spark of destruction, but a spark of life. As much as I want to pull away, I just can’t do it. Cal is a cliff and I throw myself over the edge, not bothering to think of what it could do to us both. One day he’ll realize I’m his enemy, and all this will be a far-gone memory. But not yet.”
― Victoria AveyardRed Queen


Top Three Wednesday: Villains



Oh the characters we love to hate, but a good book is nothing without these villains. Those characters we like to strangle, those characters giving our favorites portagonists a damn hard time, those characters we want to see suffer in the end. These villains stir up a lot of hatred within our hearts, and more often than not we get carried away. I’m telling you, you are not alone. I feel it too, more often than humanly possible. I have to remind myself from time to time that these villains are only fictional, but sometimes you just couldn’t help but rant about them over and over until you are sure you have cursed them enough. haha so without further ado, here are my top villains.


1. Cersei Lannister from A Song of Ice and Fire series by George RR Martin

I am almost finished with Game of Thrones (oh those 835 pages of pure reading experience) I have 150 pages left and I am eager to finish it in the next days. You know it needs undivided attention, just like every high fantasy there is. (Don’t you worry I have watched every episode, so I know what Cersei Lannister is capable of doing) So yes Cersei, that cunning vixen, she’s so clever, even Eddard didn’t see what will befall him. Cersei Lannister’s character is not the average villain, she knows what she wants and have different, subtle means of getting it. Yes it may be subtle, even sugar coated to look as if what she was doing was innocent, but boy when everything unfolds you will not believe how she did it. Cunning indeed. One just cannot escape the wrath of a Lannister. I loved how George RR Martin make such diverse characters! I never thought I would love the series even more. Gahhhh can’t wait to read all the books and curse Cersei over and over.


2. Leah Smith from Dirty Red of Love Me With Lies trilogy by Tarryn Fisher

Tarryn Fisher is known to make great villains and Leah Smith took the cake for me. She was vicious, she liked to do things her way no matter the cost and there’s just no stopping her. The first few chapters of Dirty Red had me so frustrated with her character, I hated her with so much passion. She was selfish and with next to nothing moral fibre in her being, especially what she did with the baby. My goodness this woman made me roll my eyes because of too much frustration, I swear if I could climb inside the book I would be strangling her with her red hair. Especially so because she was the one getting in the way between Olivia and Caleb. But as the story progresses, I understood her story, but that didn’t make me like her, I just understood where she was coming from, the hate for her character was still ever present. You see Tarryn Fisher was an effective writer, she made me feel so much hatred towards a fictional character that I didn’t even believe possible until then. I may have forgotten a lot from the story since I’ve read it like three years ago, but the feeling of hate will never be forgotten. Haha, that’s how great Tarryn Fisher made her. Leah Smith’s character will stay with you forever.


3. Amy Elliot of Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Another strong character. Amy made me question a lot of things! Can she be considered a villain? Well, for me she is. Gone Girl was one of my favorite books of all time, I mean how can you not love such a twisted story. I was in awe of that twist, I didn’t see it coming. Gillian Flynn will always hold a good spot in my heart. So Amy Elliott, she seemed to be an ordinary girl right? I was actually rooting for her the first half of the book, how she became so lonely, how she missed her old life, how she gave up a lot of things for Nick, how she feel caged in that big house they call home, or how she longed for those days when she and Nick were happy. I mean, this is a story of a woman who had to give up a lot of herself for the man she married, my sympathy was with her. But then, Gillian Flynn turned everything into 360 degrees. Turned out Amy was a pathological liar, a selfish woman and a complete psycho. The way she planned everything down to the nitty gritty details, ahhh it was just mind blowing. The ending did not sit well with me, I mean Amy deserved to rot in jail hahah that’s how mad I was towards her character, but then maybe that ending was what the book needed, that Amy could never get what she wanted out of Nick and she will be living her miserable life for the rest of her days.


So there you have it my top three villains. Who made it to your list? Next week will be our Top Three YA Novels, oh wow, this will be hard for sure! You can check the list of themes here.  Bye! And see you next post!

